NCC Essay Writing and Poster Making Event

NCC Essay Writing and Poster Making Event

As per the direction received from NCC 5 HR BN NCC Gurugram. Our College NCC Cell organized essay writing and poster making event under supervision of NCC Incharge Sh Shekhar Gautam on dated 15/06/2021.  In this event 20 NCC Cadets have participated and 09 essays has been selected of the best and Poster Making event 10 NCC Cadets Participated in this event.  5 posters have been selected of the best.  This event is organized by on various topics such as Patriotism, Green India, Ex NCC Cadets contribution in Covid-19 pandemic, Tree Plantation, NCC Training Camp Experience and Yoga etc. Its event is the main objective to enhance knowledge in NCC Cadets on various topics.  NCC Cadets shown keen interest in all these events.