Our Services
Web OPAC (Book Search)
Mobile App for easy accessibility
N-LIST Database
Internet facility
Book Bank
Online Book Recommendation form
Library Hours
09:00 AM to 04:00 PM
(Monday to Saturday)
Book Issue & Return Hours:
09:00 AM to 04:00 PM
(Monday to Friday)
Seating capacity: 110 Users
Integrated Library Management System
The college library is equipped with a highly integrated, user-friendly and compatible system for complete computerization of all itrs in-house operations through LIBMAN-A Library Management System. LIBMAN is embedded with multilingual fonts, Barcode & QR Code generating facility. It also supports smart phone app for book search – MOPAC.
General Rules
- No dues certificate shall be issued to the students/members of the staff only after submission of all books/fine standing against them.
- Reference books, illustrated material and periodicals will not be issued as the same can be consulted only in the library.
- After due date of deposit of library books the user have to pay the fine @Rs.1/- per day for a week and thereafter fine @ Rs.2/- per day will be charged.
- The last borrower shall be responsible for any damaged book/document, unless it has been pointed out in writing at the time of issue.
- The member who is caught tearing pages/stealing of books will be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the principal.
- In case of loss/damage of any borrowed books by the borrower he/she will replace the book of latest edition and it should be in good shape or bear its total cost. If the replacement is not done within 15 days, the defaulter will pay the charges as per library rules.
- The borrowing facility can be withdrawn or restricted in case of misbehavior with library staff or misuse of library facility.
News and Announcement
Library Advisory Committee

Dr. Narender Kumar

Mrs. Prerna Sharma
Associate Professor
Feedback & Support