Yoga and Ayush for Nutrition

Yoga and Ayush for Nutrition

In reference to the letter 29467-78, dated 31-08-2021, an event was organized on 27th September 2021 by Women Cell, N.B.G.S.M. College, Sohna. It was an online program on the topic-Yoga and Ayush for Nutrition. 44 students along with the faculty members were a part of this elucidative program.

The event started with the felicitation of Dr. Vijata Arya (Senior Naturopath and Yoga Doctor) by Ms. Lipika Arya (Member, Women Cell). Thereafter the participants were espoused by the Vice Principal, Mrs. Prerna Sharma. The resource person, Dr. Vijata Arya reflected her profound knowledge on the topic and highlighted how important it is to achieve improvement in the status of nutrition in children and women.

An exalting demonstration of the ways to achieve minimal requirements for nutrition galvanized the engrossed participants. Furthermore, she also told all the participants about the Poshan Abhiyaan launched by Hon’ble PM.

An interactive concourse ignited the inquisitiveness of participants. They committed themselves completely to bring about a change in the situation of malnutrition. The informative program culminated with a vote of thanks proposed by the Ms. Neha Gupta (Convener, Women Cell).

It was an enriching experience for all.